Managing Time
Countdowns are starting with the end in mind. I approach completing tasks in a smiliar way. No matter how difficult something is; I keep in mind the gratification I’ll feel when it’s done.
When starting a project or task, I plan out how much time and resources it may take first.
I write down the specific task I want to accomplish with the estimated completion date. Here are a few of the things I do:
- Breakdown the steps that need to be taken, jot down each step no matter how small it is
- Estimate the amount of time you think you need for each step. Schedule in breaks.
- Use a timer as a reminder to start the task. And a alarm as to when you expect to finish.
- Use a checklist, chart, or calendar to monitor how long the steps actually took. Make adjustments as necessary. Have a visible reminder handy so that you can see it everyday.
Track and review your progress or system. When did you feel most productive? Did this reduce stress? Will you benefit from working with an accountability partner? Continue to take small intentional steps towards your goal. Eventually it will become a habit and a system customized to you.